What is a Conservator?
A Conservator is an individual who serves as a fiduciary to protect and manage interests of a Conserved Person or Ward (someone who cannot protect and manage their interests). A Conservator could be an attorney, family member, or other person appointed by a probate court. There are two types. Conservator of Person primarily handles medical or housing decisions, releases of information or other activities of a personal nature. Conservator of Estate handles the Conserved Person’s financial responsibilities like real estate, law suits, inheritance, and handling month income & expenditures.
About Conservatorships in Connecticut
Pursuant to Connecticut Law, a Conservator of Person and/or Estate can be appointed to handle the affairs, subject to Probate Court oversight and approval. A family member does not necessarily have to be appointed as Conservator, and anyone can bring an application if someone is concerned about the interests and well-being of another.
A Special Limited Conservator can be appointed for a particular matter, and the Probate Court specifically enumerates the powers of a Conservator. A party can always ask the Probate Court for a hearing, including informal status conferences and Motions for Advice to deal with special circumstances. A conservator of estate must file periodic accountings and a conservator of person must file periodic reports.
Representative Stories
Our loved one has just been diagnosed with Dementia. He is still living at home, but when we visit, the bills are not paid, and I am concerned with him still living alone
Our loved one recently had a serious accident, and is unable to communicate. They own a house, have a retirement plan, medical bills are accumulating, and no one is stepping up to help.
I know that I am not able to handle my affairs soon, and I may not have anyone able or willing to serve. If I just give someone a power of attorney, is their any oversight?
Our loved one has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness, and is just making decisions that are not safe, and completely out of character. I do not want them to lose everything.